POX Porzellan

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POX Porzellan

Leidenschaft und Handwerkskunst: Zarte Porzellanurnen

Annemiek van Gruijthuijsen, who works in the arts behind POX Porzellan, demonstrates her craftsmanship and her artistic leadership. In my Atelier in Heesch you will see your own unique vision, in which you will see fluffy porcelain in plaster molds and such beautiful urns with a refined finish.

Einzigartige handmade Meisterwerke: Kein Stück gleicht dem others

The Urne, which Annemiek restores, is the result of careful work and love for detail. For the first time, it is important to make sure that your work is completed through the small incompleteness of the craftsmanship. Here speaks the singular Hand of the Schöpferin.

Inspiration and Creative Process: From Skizzen zur Eleganz

With a fresh perspective and a drive to inspire self-esteem. The creative process begins with skizzing, which involves using models from paper, tons of plaster. Including new shapes and designs with different connections, with innovative designs, both with details and elegant and elegant rolls.

Miteinander Erinnerungen gestalten: Ein persönlicher Ansatz

The repair of beautiful urns comes with POX Porzellan den Hinterbliebenen a special Möglichkeit. Gemeinsam with Annemiek could have personal memories. The experience of ideas and emotions becomes a wonderful symbol of love and connection. These individual urns do not serve as a source of care for loved ones, without spending a lot of pride in their beauty and personal character.